In an American Sunday magazine recently, reference was made to Coney Island - that
small island which lies off the Rosses Point coastline - and its world famous big brother
adjacent to New York.
The article explains: There's many a summer day when visitors to the beach of New York's Coney Island have about as much room to move about in as sardines in a can.
But there's another Coney Island, one and a half miles long and half a mile wide, off the West Coast of Ireland, and its population has shrunk from 200 to 11 in the past century.
It was an Irishman, Captain Peter O'Connor, who named New York's Coney Island after the island that lay a mile from his Sligo home. Captain O'Connor was master of the schooner Arethusa, which plied between Sligo and New York 200 years ago.