There is much Fairy-Lore
attached to Rosses Point. The Rosses is covered in forts or raths.
There are tales of a cave on the Rosses Point headland being full of gold, silver, and riches from the days of old. This cave is now believed to have been filled in with sand.
The exact location is difficult to ascertain. In the early 1800's a Brig was wrecked off the northern angle of the peninsula, where there was another cave. Three or four fishermen were put to watch the deserted hulk through the dark of the night. At midnight they saw, sitting on a stone at the cave's mouth, two red-capped fiddlers fiddling with all their might. The men fled to the village in terror. A crowd of villagers rushed down to the cave to see the fiddlers, but they had gone.
During the 1890's, Mary Battle, a second-sighted servant of the Pollexfen family who holidayed every summer at Rosses Point, claimed to have seen fairies through the window of Moyle Lodge., coming across over the mountains and the sea, straight to Rosses Point.
Around that time, the Master Pilot of Rosses Point met a procession of women "dressed in strange costume" near the Pilot House.
It is thought these people were coming back from the past.